Complaint Notification Form
Complaints can be submitted in the form below or sent to the e-mail address reklamacje@controltec.com.pl. The application is considered effective if you send the necessary data in accordance with the attached form (download the form) and receive automatic e-mail feedback.
Detailed information on handling service requests, including in particular the distinction between justified (free-of-charge) and unjustified (paid) service requests related to complaint notifications, have been described in the regulations, available for download at the link: download the Regulations
In the case of products covered by a non-standard warranty from ControlTec sp. z o. o. (based on written contractual arrangements going beyond the regulations for the standard complaint procedure, in particular the response time to a service request other than that described in the regulations), e-mail notification or sending information via the notification form may be insufficient. In such a case, please follow the non-standard complaint procedure agreed between the parties.
The administrator of personal data is ControlTec Sp. z o. o. (54-615 Wrocław, ul. Rakietowa 33). The data entered in the application form will be processed for the purpose of providing the service.